Arctaedius, Gunnar
Gunnar ArctaediusUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Philipp GrohsResearch Topic:Neural network based solutions to the Schrödinger Equation
Gunnar ArctaediusUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Philipp GrohsResearch Topic:Neural network based solutions to the Schrödinger Equation
Alexander PoschUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Yurii MalitskyiResearch Topic:Computational Optimization
Julia HörmayerUniversity of Vienna Advisors:Christian Krattenthaler, Florian Schreier-AignerResearch Topic:Symmetric functions and cluster structures
Clemens KarnerUniversity of Vienna Advisors:Martin Ehler, Anna BregerResearch Topic:Curve-based data representations for improved visualization and beyond
Darius ErösUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Michael KunzingerResearch Topic:Synthetic Lorentzian Geometry and Non-smooth Differential Geometry
Mona GatzweilerUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Christian KrattenthalerResearch Topic:tba
Lukas OdeliusUniversity of Vienna Advisor:José Luis RomeroResearch Topic:Repulsive point processes in functional and signal analysis
Alessio VardabassoUniversity of Vienna Advisors:Michael Kunzinger, Chiara RigoniResearch Topic:Distributional and synthetic curvature bounds in semi-Riemannian geometry
Chiara SchindlerUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Radu BoţResearch Topic:Stochastic differential equations for optimization and monotone inclusions
Denis KonovUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Vladimir KazeevResearch Topic:Low-rank tensor approximation for the data-driven solution of PDEs