Wasilewicz, Michał Andrzej
Michał Andrzej WasilewiczUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Andreas ČapResearch Topic:Relative Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand sequences for Lagrangean contact structures
Michał Andrzej WasilewiczUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Andreas ČapResearch Topic:Relative Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand sequences for Lagrangean contact structures
Tobias BeranUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Michael Kunzinger, Roland SteinbauerDissertation:Timelike curvature comparison in Lorentzian length spaces
Hector Homero Canales FariasUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Hendrik BruinDissertation:Geometrical and statistical properties of almost Anosov flows
David WallauchUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Roland DonningerDissertation:On optimal blowup stability for nonlinear wave equations
Iryna KarpenkoUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Gerald Teschl, Dmitry ShepelskyDissertation:The modified Camassa-Holm equation with nonvanishing boundary conditions by a Riemann-Hilbert approach
Krzysztof StankiewiczUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Joachim HermissonResearch Topic:Decoding haplotype information to explore gene flow and ancestral shared polymorphism
Antoine JegoUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Nathanael BerestyckiDissertation:Contribution to multiplicative chaos theory
Chiara NovariniUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Anton MellitDissertation:DAHAs and Dyck Path Algebras
Martin RathmairUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Philipp Grohs, Michael EichmairDissertation:Stability Analysis for infinite-dimensional Phase retrieval problems
Gervy Marie AngelesUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Christian SchmeiserDissertation:Short filament approximation to lamellipodium dynamics