Mayerhofer, Martin
Martin MayerhoferUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Michael Eichmair; Zsolt Lavicza, Marko LüfteneggerResearch Topic:The self-regulative role of technologies in mathematics education
Martin MayerhoferUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Michael Eichmair; Zsolt Lavicza, Marko LüfteneggerResearch Topic:The self-regulative role of technologies in mathematics education
Felix RottUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Michael KunzingerDissertation:Fundamental constructions in Lorentzian length spaces
Kevin IslamiUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Paolo Giordano; Michael KunzingerResearch Topic:Applications of generalized smooth functions
Andrés Felipe Lerma PinedaUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Philipp PetersenResearch Topic:Deep learning and neural networks
Eric StenhedeUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Vera VértesiResearch Topic: Legendrian knots, open book decompositions and presentation of contact 3-manifolds
Mina MonadjemUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Dietrich BurdeDissertation:Post Lie algebra structures and decompositions of Lie algebras
Matthias OstermannUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Roland DonningerResearch Topic:Stable blowup in the whole space for wave maps and Yang-Mills models
Zhangwen GuoUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Andreas ČapResearch Topic:Parabolic geometries and BGG-sequences
David Alexander HulettUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Radu Ioan BoţResearch Topic:Continuous-time approaches to saddle point problems
Argam OhanyanUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Roland SteinbauerDissertation:Singularities and rigidity in smooth and non-smooth spacetimes