Wasilewicz, Michał Andrzej
Michał Andrzej WasilewiczUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Andreas ČapResearch Topic:Relative Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand sequences for Lagrangean contact structures
Michał Andrzej WasilewiczUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Andreas ČapResearch Topic:Relative Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand sequences for Lagrangean contact structures
Darja-Maria ZierauTU Wien Advisor:Ivan IzmestievResearch Topic:Infinitesimal isometric deformations of smooth surfaces and polyhedra
Krzysztof StankiewiczUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Joachim HermissonResearch Topic:Decoding haplotype information to explore gene flow and ancestral shared polymorphism
Victoria FiedlerTU Wien Advisor:Martin GoldsternResearch Topic:tba
Michael LeumüllerTU Wien Advisor:Joachim SchöberlResearch Topic:Model order reduction for electro-magnetic multiscale problems
Lukas KoglerTU Wien Advisor:Joachim Schöberl, Ilaria PerugiaResearch Topic:Scalable solvers for PDEs
Luis Alberto EscuderoUniversity of Vienna Advisor:José Luis RomeroResearch Topic:Multiple sampling and interpolation in weighted spaces of entire functions and connections to time-frequency analysis
Sarah KoppensteinerUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Philipp GrohsResearch Topic:Obstructions in the approximation theory of shallow neural networks
Claudia Mußnig-WytrzensUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Sara Merino AceitunoResearch Topic:Kinetic theory applied to the study of the interaction between capillary networks and cell clustering in adipose tissue
Chen WangUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Christian KrattenthalerResearch Topic:Some enumerative problems in group theory