Vega González, Inés
Inés Vega GonzálezUniversity of Vienna Advisors:Roland Steinbauer, Michael KunzingerResearch Topic:Analytic and synthetic extensions of the singularity theorems
Inés Vega GonzálezUniversity of Vienna Advisors:Roland Steinbauer, Michael KunzingerResearch Topic:Analytic and synthetic extensions of the singularity theorems
Neena Mary MathewTU Wien Advisor:Bernhard GittenbergerResearch Topic:Parameter analysis of certain classes of directed acyclic graphs
David ZettlerTU Wien Advisor:Alexia Fürnkranz-PrskawetzResearch Topic:Heterogeneity in Dynamic General Equilibrium Models
Quentin Guillaume MoulardTU Wien Advisor:Fabio ToninelliResearch Topic:Scaling limits of Singular Critical SPDEs, Stastical Mechanics of Disordered Systems
Jona RöhrigUniversity of Vienna Advisors:Olaf Müller, Clemens SämannResearch Topic:Synthetic Lorentzian Geometry
Lorca Heeney-Brockett TU Wien Advisor:Marcin LisResearch Topic:discrete spin systems, the dimer model and the loop-soup
Maria HeitzingerTU Wien Advisor:Ansgar JüngelResearch Topic:Nonlinear PDEs, Entropy method
Niccolò BosioTU Wien Advisor:Benedikt Stufler Research Topic:Discrete random structures
Tobias UnterbergerTU Wien Advisor:Elisa DavoliResearch Topic:tba