Wallner, Lena
Lena Wallner (Student Speaker)TU Wien Advisor:Sandra MüllerResearch Topic:Inner Model Theory
Student Board UW und TU
Lena Wallner (Student Speaker)TU Wien Advisor:Sandra MüllerResearch Topic:Inner Model Theory
Fabian ZehetgruberTU Wien Advisor:Michael FeischlResearch Topic:Analyt. u. num. Koppelung im Mikromagnetismus
Peter HirvonenTU Wien Advisor:Ansgar JüngelResearch Topic:Entropy methods for cross-diffusion systems
Mona GatzweilerUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Christian KrattenthalerResearch Topic:tba
Andras Bonk (Student Speaker)University of Vienna Advisor:Roland DonningerResearch Topic:On a stability analysis of wave maps in the future light cone
Lukas Baumgartner TU Wien Advisor: Peter Szmolyan Research Topic: Multiscale dynamics in chemical and biological systems
Rossen Nenov (Student Speaker)University of Vienna Advisor:Peter BalazsResearch Topic:Nonsmooth nonconvex optimization methods for acoustic signal processing
Willi KepplingerUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Vera VértesiResearch Topic: Contact topology through the lens of Riemannian Geometry
Zhangwen GuoUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Andreas ČapResearch Topic:Parabolic geometries and BGG-sequences
Claudia Mußnig-WytrzensUniversity of Vienna Advisor:Sara Merino AceitunoResearch Topic:Kinetic theory applied to the study of the interaction between capillary networks and cell clustering in adipose tissue