Other Events
Embracing Diversity in STEM
Event Jointly Organized by 4 Doctoral Schools
On February 18, 2025 from 9 am to 5 pm
Main Ceremonial Hall of the University of Vienna
– Keynote by Prof. Anna Danielsson
– Science Talks by Prof. Chi Zhang, Prof. Mathea Sophia Galanski, Dr. Shantanu Dave & Prof. Nergis Mavalvala
More information and registration: https://embracing-diversity-stem.univie.ac.at/home/
Poster: Diversity in STEM Poster
VSM Workshop Mental Health
on November 27, 2024 from 1:30 pm to 5 pm.
Special topic: impostor syndrom
Registration for PhD students: open until November 15
Location: TU Wien
2-Day VSM Training Workshop for Job Applications (and a Career) Outside of Academia
2-day workshop taking place on September 29 and 30, 2025, designed specifically for the VSM PhD students. Some of the planned topics are:
– career planning
– company culture & personal values
– application documents
– job interview
– job search
– digital reputation & career.talk
Registration: tba
Location: TU Wien, Sitzungszimmer AD EG, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien
2-Day VSM Training Workshop for Job Applications (and a Career) Outside of Academia
2-day workshop taking place on September 30 and October 01, 2024, designed specifically for the VSM PhD students. Some of the planned topics are:
– career planning
– company culture & personal values
– application documents
– job interview
– job search
– digital reputation & career.talk
Registration: closed on August 31st
Location: TU Wien, seminar room „Seminarraum Techn. Informatik“ entrance at Operngasse 9, ground floor, room number DEEG39
Funding Schemes & Proposal Writing
This Workshop by Harald Schwab (ProjektService, University of Vienna) and Christian Maszl-Kantner (Funding Support and Industry Relations, TU Wien) organized by the VSM will take place on Monday, June 17, 2024 from 10 am to 12 pm.
Location: Hörsaal 7, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1st floor (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
doc.schools meet… GPTs in Research and Higher Education
We invite doctoral candidates from the Vienna School of Mathematics (VSM) and the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics (VDSP) as well as everyone else who is interested to join us for an interdisciplinary panel discussion on a current hot topic: GPTs in research and higher education.
Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
ESI, Boltzmanngasse 9A, 1090 Vienna
16:30 – Entrance
17:00 – Start of the Discussion
18:30 – Refreshments and informal get-together
No registration is needed for participating in this event!
About the Event
The impact of AI tools can be seen in various areas, whether it be science, culture, politics or communication. ChatGPT has become a frequently used resource in many people’s lives and much attention is now drawn to possibilities and obstacles of large language models. But which implications does this change have for the academic world?
In the upcoming edition of our doc.schools meet… panel discussion our invited panelists with various backgrounds will shed light on this matter with regards to GPTs in research and higher education. The panelists will discuss questions such as:
- What is the potential of GPTs in STEM Research and Higher Education?
- What are the limitations you see?
- How should we adapt our research/teaching to the recent progress in AI?
- Margret Mundorf
Is a linguist focusing on legal linguistics and text linguistics, writing and communication trainer and lecturer. She co-founded the „Virtuelles Kompetenzzentrum: Künstliche Intelligenz und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten“ and is a board member of the „Gesellschaft für Schreibdidaktik und Schreibforschung e.V.“. - Mario Krenn
Works at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light as a group leader of the Artificial Scientist Lab. His research includes the development of AI-based tools for the design of new quantum experiments and hardware and autonomously semantic networks. - Philipp Petersen
Is assistant professor for machine learning at Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna. His research focuses on approximation theory, applied harmonic analysis and mathematical deep learning in applications. - Benjamin Roth
Is a professor in the area of deep learning & statistical NLP, leading the WWTF Vienna Research Group for Young Investigators „Knowledge-Infused Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing“.
Prior to this, he was an interim professor at LMU Munich. He obtained his PhD from Saarland University and did a postdoc at UMass, Amherst. His research interests are the extraction of knowledge from text with statistical methods and knowledge-supervised learning.
Moderated by Christoph Dellago (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics)
Student Organizing Team:
Alexandra Edletzberger (VSM), Nikolaos Kalafatakis (VDSP), Mina Monadjem (VSM), Pietro Zito (VDSP)
2-Day VSM Training Workshop for Job Applications (and a Career) Outside of Academia
2-day workshop taking place on June 6 and September 19, 2023, designed specifically for the VSM PhD students. Some of the planned topics are:
– career planning
– company culture & personal values
– application documents
– job interview
– job search
– digital reputation & career.talk
In the afternoon of September 19, 2023, there will be the first edition of the networking event VSM Career Day – Meet the Industry. The event will consist of two parts:
A moderated panel discussion where four mathematics alumni discuss their career (choices) outside of academia.
coffee and talk
Talk to the panelists in smaller groups.
Confirmed panelists are:
-) Johanna Grames (AOP Health)
-) Johannes Schürz (Siemens Technology)
-) Hartwig Sorger (Valida Vorsorge Management)
-) Clemens Wagner-Bruschek (d-fine)
Registration deadline for all VSM PhD students: September 10.
Course on Mathematical Paper Writing at TU Wien (1 ECTS)
In May and June there will a VSM-course „Mathematical Paper Writing“ (1 ECTS)
at the TU Wien, which consists of:
2 units (= 4 hours) on „Mathematical Journals“, May 3 and 10, 9-11 am
1 unit (= 2 hours) on „LaTeX in Mathematical Paper Writing“, May 17, 10-12 am
3 units (= 6 hours) on „Technical English and Paper Writing“, May 12, June 2 and 16, 9-11 am
The number of participants is limited to 20 persons. Registration starts on March 27 (and will be open until April 15).
Further information can be found at this link.
Science and Art – a desirable symbiosis?
We invite doctoral candidates from the Vienna School of Mathematics (VSM) and the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics (VDSP) to join us for an interdisciplinary panel discussion on the interface between science and art.
Thursday, January 19th, 2023
ESI, Boltzmanngasse 9A, 1090 Vienna
16:30 – Entrance
17:00 – Start of the Discussion
18:30 – Refreshments and informal get-together
From masterminds fluidly alternating between artistic work and scientific discoveries, such as Leonardo Da Vinci, to today’s technology that can create art independently through artificial intelligence – there has always been an interplay between science and art. But how far does this connection reach and how far should we push the interaction between the two areas? In this term’s edition of “doc.schools meet…”, we have invited four panelists from the arts and sciences to examine this fascinating intersection. Ranging from a professor of applied arts, to a researcher and artist at the Ars Electronica, to a physicist and a mathematician with artistic collaborators, our panelists will discuss questions such as
- Are there common grounds between arts and sciences?
- What should be the role of science in arts/arts in science?
- What is the value of aesthetics in art? What is the value of aesthetics in science?
- Ruth Anderwald, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Visual artist and professor at the Institute Zentrum Fokus Forschung (ZFF) where she also teaches theory and practice of artistic research. One of the project leaders of FWF-PEEK project Navigating Dizziness Together, the follow-up of FWF-PEEK project Dizziness–A Resource (2014-1017). - Alessandra Gnecchi, Italian Institute for Nuclear Research, INFN
works as a postdoctoral researcher in theoretical physics. She collaborated with artists through the Arts at CERN project to explore the holographic principle artistically. - Ali Nikrang, Ars Electronica Futurelab
studied computer science at JKU Linz and Composition at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. His research focuses on the interaction between humans and AI with regard to creative tasks, in particular the creation of music. - Klemens Fellner, University of Graz
Professor of Mathematics/Computational Sciences at the University of Graz. Besides his research, he is involved in the interdisciplinary project “the collaborative mind”, where he explores new paths in the creative processes shared by artists and scientists.
Moderated by Eva-Maria Hainzl and Katharina Holzweber
Organizing Team
Organized by VSM students Alexandra Edletzberger, Eva-Maria Hainzl, Steffen Plunder, Jakob Reiffenstein and VDSP student Viktoria Kabel.
No registration is needed for participating in this event. Please bear in mind that wearing an FFP2 mask is mandatory at the ESI.
Gathering/Welcome Event for PhD Students in Mathematics of the University of Vienna
Monday, December 5, 2.00 to 4.00 pm, Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
PhD Advisors are encouraged to join from 3.00 pm.
There will be information sessions as well as the opportunity for (informal) exchange.
Mathematics in Africa – a panel discussion
December 1, 3 pm to 4 pm, HS3, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna (Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna)
At this event Sarah Nakato (TU Graz / Uganda), Geoffrey Mboya (Oxford / Kenya) and Balazs Szendroi (Uni Wien) will discuss the challenges and opportunities of mathematics research and teaching on the African continent. Different projects will be presented that allow adventurous young people to get involved, such as mentoring schemes, summer schools and MathCamps.
Counting Conundrums and Promoting Maths
September 29, 2022, 2 pm, SR3 (Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna)
Yudhi Bunjamin will talk about his outreach work at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UNSW Sydney and run a fun demo workshop called „Counting Conundrums“.
The talk will take about 30 mins and after a short 15 mins break, we will run the workshop for about an hour. You can find a more detailed abstract + video below.
Since 2018, a large team in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UNSW Sydney have been working on designing several interactive mathematics outreach workshops for primary and secondary school students. These workshops are motivated by promoting mathematical thinking rather than by introducing an amusing area or application of mathematics. These workshops have been presented in a wide variety of settings from school visits in regional parts of Australia to our school’s annual Girls Do The Maths event with around 250 students. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG8B_Dvp-ew
This talk will discuss the motivation and guiding principles behind these workshops. We will present some aspects of the design and development process of these workshops and highlight the considerations which were made as a result of the equity motivation, including mathematical level, cultural sensitivity and accessibility. In particular, we will discuss the interaction between the underlying mathematics and the operational and equity considerations of the workshops.
After a short break we will run a demo workshop which is called „Counting Conundrums“!
Screening of the documentary film Secrets of the Surface
This event will take place on May 12th, Thursday, to celebrate the International Women in Math Day.
May 12th is the birth date of Maryam Mirzakhani, who was an Iranian mathematician and also the first woman to be awarded the Fields Medal.
The film Secrets of the Surface follows Maryam Mirzakhani’s life and work in mathematics.
The one hour film will be followed by a half hour discussion. We offer two modes of screenings, an in-person screening at University of Vienna and an online screening via Zoom.
In-person screening:
Time: 16:45 – 18:15 on May 12th, Thursday
Place: HS 17, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, Vienna
Online screening:
Time: 20:00 – 21:30 on May 12th, Thursday
Place: Online via Zoom. (Link sent via email, registration is mandatory.) Registration Link: https://forms.gle/Y321ngW1AMJmLix19
This event is organized by the Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics (A²WiM) in collaboration with the Vienna School of Mathematics (VSM). Please find the poster for the event here.
doc.schools meet science communication –
Join the discussion with a researcher, a journalist, an EdTech-startup founder and a podcaster about the challenges of communicating science to a general audience on Tuesday, 22 March 2022
– How can a consumer distinguish “communicated science” from fake news?
– How much can you simplify science communication without lying?
– Does science communication need to be sensational?
– Does real science always have to be educational?
– Is real science boring?
We will tackle these and similar questions from perspectives of various communication strategies, including “conservative” written form, modern approaches via social media and efforts by academic institutions with
– Michael Drmota, TU Vienna
– Jeanette Gehlert, „Mandelbrot talks“ podcast
– Tanja Traxler, derStandard
– Karim Saad, ClassNinjas
The full programme can be found following this link.
Registration for this hybrid event is open until 15 March 2022.
Funding Schemes Workshop
The Funding Schemes Workshop organized by the VSM will take place on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 2 pm online. For further information please contact office@vsmath.at.
VDSP Academy 2021 on PDEs in Mathematical Physics
Monday, 23 Aug 2021 – Friday, 3 Sep 2021
Online Event
This event is organized by the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics (VDSP) with support by the Faculty of Mathematics and the Vienna School of Mathematics. Master and advanced Bachelor students of physics and mathematics from all over the world are invited to virtually attend keynote talks and hands-on tutorials on Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics.
The VDSP Academy 2021 presents an overview on the field of evolutionary PDEs in the context of physical systems. This course will provide the audience with a survey of the field with references to further advanced courses, which respectively concern the individual topics.
Application deadline: 11 April 2021
For further information, please follow this link.
doc.schools meet society
The joint event „doc.schools meet society“, organized by PhD candidates affiliated with the Vienna School of Mathematics and the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics, will take place on Tuesday, 15 June, from 3.00 pm. The online interdisciplinary discussion on the role of science in society will take place on Zoom, followed by an informal meet-up with the speakers and the other students on gather.town.
The details as well as the registration form can be found here. Registration deadline: June 7, 2021.
Proposal Writing Workshop
The VSM Proposal Writing Workshop will take place on Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 3 pm online. For further information please contact office@vsmath.at.
VDS Meets Sports
The joint event „VDS Meets Sports“, organized by PhD candidates affiliated with the Vienna School of Mathematics and the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics, will take place on Friday, 8 November, 2019, from 3.30 pm in the Schrödinger lecture hall at ESI.
The detailed schedule as well as the registration form can be found here.
Kick-off Event of the Vienna School of Mathematics
October 16, 2019: 3 pm – 8 pm
Großer Festsaal, University of Vienna
Please find all details here
Science Meets Space
On 24 January 2019 the third joint VDS Mathematics and Physics „Science meets“ event took place in the Schrödinger Lecture Hall at the ESI, Boltzmanngasse 9.
The following speakers were invited for presentation and panel discussion:
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Friedrich Kupka
Lead Scientist at the Institute of Astrophysics, Faculty of Physics, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany - Dr. Oliver Jennrich
Fundamental Physics Mission Scientist, and Science Directorate at the European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC), the Netherlands
Bringing together both mathematical and physics experts resulted in a successful and fruitful exchange.
Local organizers: Yaakov Fein (VDS-P), Dennis Meier (VDS-M), Valeria Milotti (VDS-P), Dang-Khoa Nguyen (VDS-M) and Katharina Werbach (VDS-P).
Science Meets Medicine
On 29 May 2018 the second joint VDS Mathematics and Physics „Science meets“ event took place in the Schrödinger Lecture Hall at the ESI, Boltzmanngasse 9.
The following speakers were present for the panel discussion:
- DI Manfred Bammer, MAS
Competence Unit Biomedical Systems, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) - Marie Doumic, PhD
Wolfgang Pauli Institute, University of Vienna
Inria Paris - Priv.-Doz. Dr. Bianca Gerendas, MSc
Vienna Reading Center, Medical University of Vienna
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Ophthalmic Image Analysis
Bringing together both mathematical and physics experts resulted in a successful and fruitful exchange.
Local organizers: Anna Breger (VDS-M), Yaakov Fein (VDS-P), Manjil Saikia (VDS-M) and Katharina Werbach (VDS-P).
Transferable Skills Workshop: Funding Schemes
Thursday, May 17, 2018, 3 pm, HS11 (OMP1)
Barbara Leitner (Forschungsservice und Nachwuchsförderung) and Harald Schwab (projektSERVICE Mathematik) gave an informative workshop on international and national funding opportunities
with a particular focus on the FWF Schrödinger Scholarship.
VDS Excursion to Munich, January 24 to January 26, 2018
Including guided tours at Siemens Munich and BMW Munich
Science Meets Applied Academia
On 16 November 2017 the first joint VDS mathematics and physics ‘Science’ meets took place in the Schrödinger Lecture Hall at the ESI, Boltzmanngasse 9.
The following speakers were present for the panel discussion:
- Prof. Franz Rammerstorfer
Institute of Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics (ILSB), Vienna University of Technology (TU) - Prof. Krzysztof Pietrzak
Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria - Dr. Andrey Krasovskii
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Local organizers: Florian Aigner (VDS-M), Axel Böhm (VDS-M), Yaakov Fein (VDS-P), Daniel Scherl (VDS-M) and Katharina Werbach (VDS-P)
First Interdisciplinary Symposium of the Vienna Doctoral Schools – September 14-15, 2017
On September 14th and 15th 2017, the Großer & Kleiner Festsaal of the University of Vienna were the setting of the first joint conference of the four Vienna Doctoral Schools (VDSs): “Cognition, Behaviour and Neuroscience (CoBeNe)”, “Mathematics”, “Molecules of Life (MoL)” and “Physics”.
Transferable Skills Workshop „How to apply for post-doctoral funding“ – June 20, 2016, 2 pm, HS7 OMP1
An informative workshop on international and national funding opportunities
with a particular focus on the relevant funding schemes from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) e.g. Erwin Schrödinger outgoing fellowship, Hertha Firnberg, stand-alone projects etc. and the Individual Fellowships scheme within the European Union’s Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA programme).
Kick-off Event of the Vienna Doctoral School „Mathematics“ – May 17, 2016, 2 pm, HS14, OMP1
This event featured a brief introduction in what the VDS „Mathematics“ is, „general public“ lectures by Martin Aigner (FU Berlin) and Karl Sigmund, posters by the „inaugural“ crowd of Ph.D. students in the school (accompanied by coffee and cakes).