The VSM runs a mentoring program for its student members. Our aim is that all student members have a mentor at the end of the first semester of membership in the VSM. There are no fixed requirements for activities, the initial aim of the program is to supply students with a second default contact person among faculty members apart form the advisor. This opens the opportunity to get additional guidance through the study, a „second opinion“ on general questions of academic life, an an additional possible contact in case of problems. Therefore, it is not necessary that the mentor is scientifically close the the thesis project of the student, so again there are no formal rules in this direction. We encourage the advisors of the VSM to also be available as mentors and usually this works out well.
In order to facilitate the mentoring process and finding a mentor, please find a sheet with suggestions for the Mentoring here and a list of advisors at the University of Vienna on permanent positions here, as well as a list with mentors at TU Wien here.
VO Theory of Distributions
Giovanni di Fratta, Dirk Praetorius / TU Wien
VO Non-local operators
Markus Faustmann / TU Wien