The VSM regularly conducts joint calls for applications for pre-doc positions at the two participating universities. These announcements are published internationally and prominently to increase the visibility of Vienna as an international center for mathematics. Most of these positions are positions contributed by our advisors, either third-party funded or University funded. At the University of Vienna, there also is a small number of positions funded directly through the VSM.
Positions financed through the VSM
As one of the doctoral schools at the University of Vienna following a new scheme, the VSM receives a budget, a large part of which has to be used for pre-doc positions at this University. This budget is determined via a matching procedure from various indicators for the performance of the school. With its current size, this will allow funding between 6 and 7 positions at a given time.
For the announcement of these positions, we issued a call for proposals for (directions for) dissertation projects by advisors of the VSM at the University of Vienna. These were published as part of the announcement and applications were only possible for specific projects in this list.
Sucessful candidates so far:
Marta Sálamo Candal (BSc in Mathematics & Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela, MASt in Pure Mathematics, Clare College, University of Cambridge), PhD Project: „Synthetic Singularity Theorems in General Relativity“, Advisor: Roland Steinbauer, planned start in October 2024
Christian Melder (BSc Mathematics, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, MSc Mathematics, University of Vienna), PhD Project: „Topological Quantum Field Theories in Contact Topology“, Advisors: Anton Mellit, Vera Vértesi, started in July 2024.
Mona Gatzweiler (BSc Mathematics, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, MSc Mathematics, University of Vienna) PhD Project „Enumerative, Algebraic, and Asymptotic Combinatorics“, Advisor: Christian Krattenthaler, started in November 2023.
Lukas Odelius (BSc Engineering Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, MSc Mathematics, KTH and University of Stockholm) PhD Project: „Repulsive Point Processes in Functional and Signal Analysis“, Advisor Jose-Luis Romero, started in October 2023.
Chiara Schindler (BSc and MSc Mathematics, University of Vienna) PhD Project: „Fast Continuous Time Dynamics for Monotone Inclusions“, Advisor: Radu Ioan Bot, started in October 2023.
Alessio Vardabasso (BSc and MSc Mathematics at the University of Triests and at SISSA) PhD Project: „Distributional and synthetic curvature bounds“, Advisor: Michael Kunzinger, started in October 2023.
Yannic Wenzel (BSc Mathematics, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, MSc Mathematics, Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL and Sorbonne Université) PhD Project: „Probabilistic Models in Quantitative Genetics“, Supervisor: Emmanuel Schertzer, started in October 2022.
Jikai Yan (BEc in Financial Engineering, Hunan University, MSc in Computational Applied Mathematics, University of Edinburgh) PhD Project: „Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithms for Imaging Problems“, Supervisor: Otmar Scherzer, started in October 2022.
Matthias Ostermann (Bachelor in Mathematics and Physics and Master in Mathematics, University of Vienna), PhD Project: „Stable Blowup in the Whole Space for Maps and Yang-Mills Models“, Supervisor: Roland Donninger, started in January 2021.
Eric Stenhede (Bachelor and Master in Mathematics, Università di Pisa) PhD Project: „Legendrian Knots and Open Books“, Supervisor: Vera Vértesi, started in January 2021.M
More information on the announcements
As mentioned already, our annoucements include positions at both Universities and positions funded from different sources. Therefore, the positions in the announcement may have different durations and will lead to different types of contracts. Also for some of the positions, special application procedures (e.g. via the job center of the University) are required.
So if you intend to apply, please check carefully which position(s) you apply for and how to apply for them.
Previous announcements
- First call: January 2020, 18 positions – details
- Second call: May 2020, 6 positions – details
- Third call: September 2020, 12 positions including 3 positions financed via the VSM – details
- Fourth call: March 2021, 4 positions – details
- Fifth call: October 2021, 6 positions, including up to 4 positions financed via the VSM – details
- Sixth call: March 2022, 12 positions including up to 4 positions financed via the VSM – details
- 7th call: March 2023,
11 positions including up to 4 positions financed via the VSM – details - 8th call: October 2023, 10 positions – details
- 9th call: December 2023, 11 positions including up to 2 positions financed via the VSM – details
- 10th call: June 2024, 6 positions – details