Summer/Winter Schools
VSM Summer School 2024
September 15 to September 21, 2024 in Dienten am Hochkönig
The School takes place at the Universitätssport- und Seminarzentrum Dientnerhof.
The program will start on Monday, September 16 in the morning and finish on Friday, September 20 in the afternoon.
Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday, September 15 and to stay until Saturday, September 21. Registration will open in time and all student members of the VSM are welcome.
The confirmed speakers are:
Grégory Miermont, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon – Combinatorial and probabilistic aspects of maps
A map is a topological surface obtained by identifying in pairs the edges of a finite collection of polygons. We consider maps as abstract combinatorial objects, so that the countable collection of maps of a given topology can be seen as a set of discrete metrics defined on a fixed topological surface. Therefore, considering models of random maps, for instance, a uniformly random triangulation of the sphere with a fixed number 2n of triangles, provides a natural setting for studying 2-dimensional random metrics. In this context, a question of interest concerns the asymptotic geometry of such a random object as n goes to infinity.
In these lectures, we will review some of the relevant combinatorial aspects of maps, and discuss how it allows to define limiting objects that are, in a sense, canonical models of random surfaces.
Laure Saint-Raymond, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) – An introduction to kinetic theory
Lecture 1 : kinetic transport equations, propagation of singularities, dispersion, averaging lemma
Lecture 2 : mean field models
Lecture 3 : collisional models
Bernd Sturmfels, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences Leipzig – Computational Algebraic Geometry
Lecture 1: The quadratic equation revisited
Lecture 2: Beyond linear algebra
Lecture 3: The two lives of the Grassmannian
Lecture 4: Algebraic varieties in quantum chemistry
VSM Summer School 2023
September 10 to 16, 2023 in Dienten am Hochkönig
Stefanie Sonner, Radboud University
Degenerate Diffusion Equations and Applications in the Modelling of Biofilms
Uli Wagner, IST Austria
Topological Methods in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Wadim Zudilin, Radboud University
A Rational Introduction to Irrationality
VSM Summer School 2022
18-24 September, 2022 in Weißensee
Arnaud Chéritat, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
One Dimensional Dynamics
Mark Peletier, TU Eindhoven
Some Mathematical Aspects of Deep Learning
Karen Vogtmann, University of Warwick
Moduli Spaces of Graphs and Graph Complexes
VSM Summer School 2021
19-25 September, 2021 at Weißensee
Alessandra Iozzi, ETH Zurich
Lattices in SL(n,R), and more…
Joachim Rosenthal, University of Zurich
The mathematical Foundations of Information theory from Claude Shannon
An introduction to Mathematical Coding Theory
An Overview to Public Key Cryptography
Fredi Tröltzsch, TU Berlin
An Introduction to Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations
VSM Summer School 2020
13-19 September, 2020 at Weißensee
Oswin Aichholzer, TU Graz
Crossing numbers of complete and complete bipartite graphs
Elisa Davoli, TU Wien
Effective theories for composite materials: from two-scale convergence to chirality effects
Philipp Petersen, University of Vienna
Four key ideas in data science and machine learning
VSM Summer School 2019
22-28 September, 2019 at Weißensee
Alin Bostan, INRIA
Efficient experimental mathematics for combinatorics and number theory
Diogo Gomes, KAUST
An introduction to symbolic mathematics with applications to partial differential equations
Alfio Quarteroni, Politecnico di Milano and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Mathematical and numerical models for multi-physics applications
VSM Winter School on Quantum Computation
9-15 March, 2019 in Dienten am Hochkönig
Ämin Baumeler, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Introduction to Quantum Computation
Barbara Kraus, Universität Innsbruck
Entanglement Theory
Norbert Schuch, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Entanglement in Complex Quantum Systems
VSM Summer School 2018
16-22 September, 2018 at Weißensee
László Erdős, IST Austria
Random matrices and disordered quantum systems
Adolfo Quiros Gracián, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Elliptic curves and public key cryptography
Hans Schoutens, New York City College of Technology
Ultraproducts at the cross-roads of model-theory, algebra and geometry
VDS Summer School 2017
September 2-8, 2017, Obergurgl
Henry Cohn, MIT & Microsoft Research
Packing in high dimensions
Matthias Kreck, Universität Bonn
A panorama of manifolds in dimensions one to eight
Josef Teichmann, ETH Zürich
Affine processes: theory, applications and new developments
VDS Summer School 2016
September 18-23, 2016, Obergurgl
Eduard Feireisl, Charles University Prague
The Navier-Stokes millennium prize problem
Joseph M. Landsberg (Texas A&M University, College Station)
Uses of geometry in theoretical computer science