The Vienna School of Mathematics (VSM) is a joint graduate school of the University of Vienna and the TU Wien. It aims at joining the forces of the two institutions and increase the visibility of Vienna as a center for Mathematics. At the University of Vienna, the VSM is one of the doctoral schools that have been founded according to a new strategy of the University for its doctoral education. This opens new possiblities and requires a separate organization for this part. The VSM is represented by a speaker and two deputy speakers.
The school is operated by the following boards
The Executive Board
The General Assembly
consists of all advisors of the VSM. General assemblies are organized either for the advisors from one of the participating Universitites or for all advisors in the VSM. In these meetings the general strategy and operation of the VSM are discussed and the members of the Executive Board are elected.
The Scientific Advisory Board
advises the members of the VSM. It consists of international top-class mathematicians which support the school with their expertise and discuss strategic issues with the faculty members.
The UNIVIE steering committee
is the main leading body for the VMS within the University of Vienna. Its main duty is to organize the selection process for the pre-doc positions that the University of Vienna finances via the VSM. It consists of a director, a co-director and six further faculty members from the University of Vienna. It designates four of its members for the Executive board.
Selection Committees
are formed for the joint announcements of pre-doc positions on both Universities that are conducted by the VSM twice or three times a year. For positions contributed by advisors, the committee assists the advisor in the selection procedure. For positions financed directly via the VSM, it is responsible for all decisions.
The Student Board
consists of all student members of the VSM. The students elect two student spokespersons for each of the Universities. These persons represent all students, make suggestions to changes of the organizational structure, and conciliate in the case of conflicts.